Thomas Greschitz

Thomas Greschitz is working in IT business for already 30 years. His emphases are primarily situated on the field of IT security, infrastructure and training. He founded his former company Greschitz IT Security GmbH, which has been successfully acting over the whole German speaking part of Europe for many years. In 2008 Thomas Greschitz sold his company to one of the global players in IT and IT security, Integralis AG which is known today as NTT Com Security.

He has set a focus in his professional career especially on the following fields in IT:
- Design, conception and restructuring of IT infrastructure and IT security at medium and large enterprise customers
- Troubleshooting and root-cause analysis for network/security problems and design flaws
- Conduction of training and education in IT security and IT infrastructure vendor as well as non-vendor related

Thomas Greschitz successfully acts as a consultant for national as well as international companies, government authorities and IT service providers.

Thomas Greschitz is on Xing, LinkedIn and available via e-mail at or you can download the full vCard.

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